Music is a truly universal language.
K. Beber
Music should strike fire from the human soul.
L. Beethoven
The purpose of music is to touch hearts.
J. S. Bach
Music (from the Greek musike, literally, the art of the muses; this article in English is Music) is an art form in which the means of embodiment of artistic images are used in a certain way organized musical sounds. The main elements and expressive means of music are scale, rhythm, meter, tempo, loud dynamics, timbre, melody, harmony, polyphony, and instrumentation. Music is fixed in musical notation and is realized in the process of performance.
Origin of notes
The names of the notes were invented by the Italian Guido d’Arezo. The full names of the notes are:

Do – Dominus – Lord;
Re – rerum – matter;
Mi – miraculum – miracle;
Fa – familias planetarium – family of planets, i.e., solar system;
Sol – solis – Sun;
La – lactea via, the Milky Way;
Si – siderae – heaven.
MARCH, a musical genre characterized by a strictly measured tempo, a clear rhythm, a vigorous, courageous, heroic character. Provides synchronous movement of a large number of people. Military marches are created for a military (brass) band. It is used in opera and ballet, and also as an independent piece. A special variation is the funeral march.
SYMPHONY (from the Greek symphonia – consonance), a piece of music for a symphony orchestra, written in cyclic sonata form, is the highest form of instrumental music. Usually consists of 4 parts. The classical type of symphony took shape in con. 18 – beg. 19th centuries (J. Haydn, W. A. Mozart, L. Beethoven).
SUITE (French suite, letters series, sequence), an instrumental cyclic piece of music from several contrasting parts, a piece of music from several contrasting parts. The suite is distinguished from the sonata and symphony by the lack of strict regulation of the number, nature and order of the parts, and by the close connection with the song and dance.
SONATA (Italian sonata, from sonare – to sound), a musical genre, a work for one or more instruments, written in the form of a sonata cycle
1) a complex of expressive means embodying a certain ideological and artistic content in a musical work.
2) Structure, structure of a musical work. In each work, the musical form is individual, but there are relatively stable types of it of various scales – period, simple and complex two-part, simple and complex three-part forms, variations, rondo, sonata form, etc. The smallest semantic and structural unit of a musical form is a motive; two or more motives form a phrase, a sentence is formed from phrases; two sentences often form a period (usually 8 or 16 bars). In the form of a period, the themes of a musical work are usually stated. The basic principles of shaping are the presentation of thematic material (exposition), its exact or varied repetition, development, comparison with new topics; repetition of previously presented material after a section that develops it or is based on new material (reprise). These principles often interact.
There’s a lot to be said about music…
in any company, regardless of age or status, people will definitely find a common musical theme
And we will consider all this, analyze it in detail, in our video courses in order to help you understand the details of musical art.
music is art!
And art is eternal beauty!
Let’s extend eternity together